Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Should the world be organized into sovereign territorial nation states?

What would our world be like if it we had never developed into nation-states? Would we still exist in small non secular tribes? Or maybe we would still be split into different empires all trying to dominate each other and gain the most land possible? Or what if we had all developed into city-states such as financially successful Singapore? I personally like the nation state system we have today. I believe that the world should stay broken into individual sovereign territorial nation-states.

I am not putting down the systems of tribes, city-states, or empires. I feel like all of these systems are significant, but I feel the world benefits the most with individual nation-states. With nation-states, groups of people are able to have our own cultural identities. Cultural identities filled with different types of languages, religions, traditions, music, and so much more. And because of these individual cultural identities a strong sense of nationalism is formed within these nation-states. One could argue that tribes, empires and city-states all have individual cultural identities too, so why are nation-states so much more sufficient for the World today? See the thing is nation-states establish borders. Borders are an excellent idea for our society today because they establish set guidelines for where governments have an established power over.

Borders provide a sense of security for a country. So unlike the time of the empires, we do not have to worry about other countries trying to conquer and take over our land. Borders are able to limit their ruler’s powers to specifically within its lines, and not outside of them. Because of borders in nation-states, rulers are not able to conquer more land, like for example the infamous emperor Napoleon. Borders are an excellent idea for today’s modern World. Borders provide a sense of security, a stable government (arguably), cultural traditions, and a sense of nationalism. And because of this I believe we should stay broken into individual nation-states.

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