There are so many things that threaten global peace and security: rogue nations with nuclear capabilities, disease, wide spread poverty among many other things. However, I would argue that one of the biggest issues that threatens global peace and security is the lack of faith in negotiation and dialogue between nations.
I feel that the lack of negotiation and dialogue between nations, especially those nations who may be on the verge of conflict, is a major threat to global peace and security because if negotiation is not utilized as a first option, we’re throwing away one of our most useful tools. It is not a stretch to say that most nations are not in favor of conflict. Conflict interferes with economic growth, social norms and usually creates stress on political systems. If we abandon negotiation and dialogue between nations, it seems we are throwing ourselves to the mercy of conflict. This would threaten global stability, security and peace all for that exact reason, we’re allowing ourselves to see conflict as a first response to issues if we abandon negotiation. This leads to the over use of preemptive strikes and warfare, thus directly threatening global peace and security. This can be broken down so a six year old understands the basic principles. If someone says or does something you don’t like, you don’t go over and punch them in the face. You talk to them about why you’re upset and try to resolve the conflict without resorting to violence. This allows for a much better turn out because both sides have had their say and will hopefully come to a consensus on the issue and no one has to be hurt or get in trouble for hurting someone else. The same principles apply to global negotiation and dialogue between nations who are at odds with one another.
The issue of lack of dialogue and negotiation is a threat because it directly relates to the possible danger or damage a nation might find themselves facing. Without discussion and negotiation about issues, more nations would find themselves involved in conflict jeopardizing not only their nation peace and security but also the global peace and security. We are all intertwined in this globalized world; we must realize that our actions affect one another. Because conflict does strain nation’s economy, social wellbeing, and political systems, the embrace of negotiations and dialogue between nations would be advantageous to the world as a whole and allow for global peace and security to reign.
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