Monday, October 4, 2010

Reflective Post 6

The indigenous people of Chiapas are just one of many marginalized groups around the world. The Zapatista movement is the embodiment of resistance against the Mexican state as result of years of state-sponsored repression against the Mayans in the region.
Resistence is the right of those that are oppressed. Whether it comes in a violent form or a passive movement, the oppressed are compelled to resist any form of oppression to which they are subject to.
John F. Kennedy stated, “ those who make peaceful change impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
Popular movements against injustice are operating around the world. From China to Israel, state-sponsored policies of repression are in effect against marginalized groups of society.
The Palestinian people in the occupied territories represent a perfect example of a nation that is marginalized and dispossessed. In this case, dispossessed of a state to which they have been assured to for decades. The peace process which has delivered more process than peace has only exacerbated the condition of the Palestinians. All the while Israel has claimed more land, built an apartheid wall, besieged a helpless territory, and maimed and killed countless civilians with the overt and (rare) tacit support of the United States of America.
The current round of peace talks is once again marked by Israel defying International pressure and even going to such lengths as to humiliate the Obama Administration. The settlements will continue to be built on land that does not belong to the settlers, and the Palestinians will continue to live without dignity. How then can we question the merits of resistance against an oppressor? In the case of Israel, which has broad support from the Murdoch media and Congress; resistance against the Israeli state is seen as an act of terror. This type of condemnation follows the same chord in Mexico with the Zapatistas and in China with the Tibetan resistance. To debase and discredit a plea against tyranny is the only method states can use to not address legitimate pleas against such tyranny.
There is a clear relation between marginalized groups and revolution. Seeing why such revolutions occur instead of just focusing on how they are executed will help us better understand a conflict and issue.

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