Sunday, August 29, 2010

Reflective Post Week 1

The following is written in a stream of consciousness style of writing.

9:17. shall we sit and have a cup of tea while i reflect on this first week of class? i think we shall. when deciding what topic to write about there were many that came to mind. should i write about the war that has indirectly affected the whole world? or the issue of aids in africa and the rest of the world? what about the concern that earth has become overpopulated? which, by the way, katie wrote about and was able to write a nice post about it. 9:21. however, after a while a picture that i saw earlier this summer during a visit to the nuseum came up. it was the pulitzer award winning picture of kevin carter's “waiting game for sudanese child.” throughout my whole visit to the nuseum this picture that i saw was by far the one that touched me the most. when we go to the nuseum sometime this semester make sure you check out the pulitzer prize section of the museum. it was my favorite section especially because i’m into photography. carter’s piece sort of inspired me to write about world hunger. 9:34. i feel that world hunger is indeed one of the biggest issues in world politics because it is an issue that not only occurs in underdeveloped countries but also in industrialized nations. i feel that one of the causes for this is because those who can afford to buy the food receives most of the supply while the rest of the population is left with nothing. not only that but every single day tons and tons of food goes to waste because people throw it away or it becomes expired. instead of wasting it all, the food can go to other countries. this is why i always try to eat all of the food i buy and why i tell my friends “think of the poor children in the world” whenever i see them throw away their food. 9:44. in our first discussion about franklin foer’s “how soccer explains the world” a lot was debated in globalization, nationalism and the relationship of soccer in his argument in the book. whether foer supports globalization or not i feel that foer accepts globalization in a way that it brings countries together in the culture of soccer but he is against hooliganism and the negative aspect that is brought in it. i was interested in all of the opinions expressed but wanted to find out more about the cultural aspect of globalization. does globalization take away a small part of a country’s unique culture? 10:13.

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