Sunday, August 29, 2010

Reflective Post 1 (Kaitlyn)

I enjoyed our class discussion of Foer’s How Soccer Explains the World. I thought many good ideas were brought up, and a lot of good questions were raised by members of our class. Throughout our discussion the two same concepts kept being thrown out on the table: the idea of globalization, and the idea of nationalism. Another main concept that was continually brought up was whether or not the book was really about soccer. This was one of those questions that really made me think. I personally believe that the book was about both soccer and globalization. I mean you could not have one without the other in the book. Now was the book more about one or other that is the real question. I feel the book was more focused on the overall idea of globalization rather than soccer. I mean without the idea of soccer this book would defiantly not be the same.

The other question that intrigued me was whether or not Franklin Foer was for or against globalization. I mean I definitely believe that is he for globalization, for he begins and ends the book with the concept, and constantly brings up the idea throughout the text. And throughout the class discussion, and several discussions I had outside of class, some noted that there was no way Foer could be against globalization. But the idea that kept bothering me was that he cannot truly be for globalization if he is such a devout soccer fan. I recently read an interview online in which he touches more upon his idea of globalization. He said I kept noticing the ways that globalization had failed to diminish the game's local cultures, local blood feuds, even local corruption”. ( This quote could be taken as Foer being for globalization and against it. I mean Foer appreciates the local culture of the game. There would not be as much passion and enthusiasm put into the game if the local culture was taken away. Another point a class member mentioned in class that they believe Foer believes that globalization is inevitable. I believe that this is true, although I am not sure if Foer wants the World to become completely globalized. He loves the culture of the individual teams.

I was very happy with the first week of this class!

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