I definitely believe that we should live in a society with governmental elections. Elections give us, the citizens a chance to be heard. With elections we are able to have some kind of input into our government. And for me personally, some kind of input is better than no input at all. Why would one want to live in a government where they have no power in choosing the leaders? Yes, I know that this type of society does exist and that these societies have been successful in some cases. But personally I like having the ability to participate in my country’s political world. It helps me feel connected to the World. And I feel that I have a chance to change something if I don’t like it. In class, Aubrey brought up the point that people always complain about what’s going on in the government, yet half the time they did not even vote in the election. We have the ability to make a change, so why don’t we do it? It is so bothersome when people act like they have no authority when it comes to our government. Everyone has a voice; they just need to speak up!
I know that there are many arguments against elections. Arguments such as not many Americans even care about the voting system so why should we have one? I have had a ton of experience with people who choose not to vote. Whenever I ask someone why they don’t vote, I always get the same responses. Responses such as I just don’t have time, and one vote does not make a difference are always the most popular. I do understand the first response. A lot of people cannot make it out to the voting booths in time, and I do feel we should fix the voting process in that perspective. But when I look at the other response that one vote doesn’t matter, that is not true. Every vote matters because if everyone had that ideology then we would live in a society where no one votes. Which would be like a society without governmental elections.
Your point about Aubrey's comment during class made me think about the idea of voting ill-informed for someone versus not voting at all. To sidetrack off of your overall blog post, I think it is important to also point out that what is the difference between the two? Like you mentioned, a popular response to not voting is, "I don't have the time" or "my vote does not make a difference." So why vote absentmindedly? In my mind, the point of voting is to express one's deepest political views and to take a stance. Taken from a deeper level, it is almost a slap in the face to nations and individuals from other nations who don't have the ability to vote yet desperately want to. Since we have the opportunity, it is our responsibility as citizens to take advantage of it appropriately.