The actual simulation was also very interesting! I thought that everyone got really into their side of the argument even if it didn’t align with their personal beliefs. Another thing that I noticed was that some of the comments and arguments made tended to take a more personal attack tone as opposed to attacking the position being argued. I chalked this up to the fact that we all know each other pretty well and feel comfortable enough to do that even if the simulation wasn’t the right place to do it. The thing that I struggled with most throughout the whole process of preparing and presenting was that, as the consumer group, we really could have taken either side, so deciding which path to take was very difficult. I think that the group, collectively, chose the one we thought would have the greatest impact although, correct me if I’m wrong group makes, none of us really associated personally with the side we chose. Over all I thought that everyone argued there points very well and very convincingly. I think that the major simulation should be fun and probably less stressful! *fingers crossed*
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