Sunday, October 10, 2010

Reflective Post 7

Looking back into our group simulation this week, I have to say that I found every group’s arguments in their position very engaging. However, being the group that represented Ford, I felt that our group received more pressure against the other teams. I have to say that before the project, as an automobile consumer a few years ago, I did not really considered buying American brand automobiles much less a car from Ford. In fact, when I was considering different cars, the ones that I was looking into were from the Honda, Toyota, and Acura. Typically, most middle class Americans would consider buying cars from foreign brands, but why is that? In my opinion, I feel that people usually end up buying automobile from foreign brands because they are generally cheaper than American brand cars and perform just as well (and even better). This does not mean that we should completely discredit American brand cars though.

Just like any industrial companies throughout history, American automobile brands have both advanced and failed with the many projects that they come up with and because of the increase competition, whichever company is able to create something that is most convenient for its consumer (both in performance and cost) will ultimately be more successful with its products.

Thus, when tying this into the debate of whether the United States should remove the import tax and duties on foreign automobile companies, I feel that the removal of the tariffs, in reality, does not damage American brand companies as severely as many believe. What this means though, is that there will be greater competition between the domestic and international companies and rather than looking at it as a negative aspect, the domestic companies should consider it as an incentive to improve their products even more. Without a challenge, one is never able to advance and move on to the next level. Something that Katie would say “without battles, your pokemons would never evolve”. In the end, however, through all the struggling, fussing, crying, whatever it is that you have to do, you’ll end up producing something better than nothing at all. Just like we all have to stay up and pull all nighters to finish papers. And if you’re ever complaining just think of this:

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